Tuesday 20 July 2010

Summer garden supper for Dad's birthday

I bought some amazing crab this evening. White crabmeat, freshly plucked from a Cornish crab this very morning. Clearly the person doing the plucking was also CEO of a FTSE 100, the best plastic surgeon in LA or a London electrician; gramme for gramme it was approx the same price as antimatter (which according to this website costs $1.75 quadrillion an ounce ha ha ha http://tinyurl.com/3x5z9ye). Anyway I made a salad bed from chopped up chicory and avocado mixed with a tiny bit of lemon juice and chopped mint. I then piled the crab on top, trying to create the illusion that as if I was richer than Carlos Slim Helu and had bought the whole pack, rather than half. This is what it looked like.

Not a bad prelude to barbecued halibut served up with some herby garlicky pernod butter (credit to the Fishmonger's Kitchen in Shepherd's Bush). with barbecued baby gem and one of those salads with a load of veg thrown in.

For the salad, red cos leaves mixed with bits of cooked-then-rapidly-cooled broccoli and french beans. Also baby courgettes sliced really thinly with a potato peeler. Yum and vaguely virtuous.

1 comment:

  1. Love yr comments re the London electrician, and the price of anti matter. You are a hoot!


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