Tuesday 5 July 2011

courgette (zucchini!) fritters, a bit like souffle but easier

you need: courgettes, an egg, some milk, self raising flour, baking powder, frying pan, self control.

For the easiest courgette fritters ever that taste like mini little souffles, just do this:
1. Grate as many courgette as you fancy.  three small ones go with one egg.
2. look up courgette in the dictionary and find that it is the crazy English word for Zucchini.
Get the pile of grated courgette and squash either a dishcloth (clean and dry, but not precious) on top to squeeze out lots of moisture. For the less green version of this, use kitchen roll to extract the moisture.
3. mix self raising flour with the dry-ish courgette mixture, until it has a light coating all over.  For three courgette this corresponds with a sort of two-liberal-shakes-of-flour type quantity. Honesty it probably doesn't matter if you are over or under.
4.  Shake some extra baking powder over the top. Quantities? pah! whatever you fancy although maybe not less than a teaspoon, nor more than a tablespoon.  Bicarbonate of soda activates with heat to produce little bubbles, so will make your fritters fluffier but if you overdo it they might taste a bit weird.
5.  Add a selection of herbs/chilli/salt and pepper/cubes of cheese according to your taste. Slightly stale blue cheese works well, it's v salty though so watch that.
6.  Separately, in a jug, mix an egg and a generous splosh of milk.  Add this to the courgette mixture and stir through until it is a solid courgetty batter without a pool of runny batter at the bottom.  If there is a runny batter at the bottom, again it doesn't really matter that much.
7. heat a thick bottomed pan with a little olive oil and butter (as we know from previous posts the combination of a little of each is best as the oil stops the butter from burning and the butter stops the oil from smoking).  put a spoonful of the batter in the pan for each fritter and cook for about 5 mins on each side.
8 Try really hard not to eat them all, because when your husband gets back from wine tasting (where he promises he will have used the spittoon), he might want one.  Then accidentally eat them all and pretend you made up this blog rather than ACTUALLY cooking them tonight.

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