Saturday 21 August 2010

Non-food. Amazing Rev!

I have just watched the entire first series of Rev., the amazing BBC series, in one sitting. It was completely entrancing, charming, incredibly funny, thought provoking, moving and to my atheist mind the most compelling argument for a religious life that I have ever seen.

Tom Hollander is Adam, the adorable, intelligent, devoted, flawed and often daft vicar of a run down East End church. He navigates the community side of religious life in a very Unholier than thou way, showing more than once that profanity is so much more impactful when spoken by someone wearing a dog collar.

His realistic relationship with the amazing vicar's wife and solicitor Alex (actress Olivia Colman) leaves us realising that forgiveness is surely the most important part of a relationship. In the final episode, Adam minesweeps his way through a Vicars and Tarts party and starts to flirt with.. and then dance at ..the attractive local headmistress. Hundreds of people around the country must have watched her deal with her drunk vicar husband and thought 'yes, that IS the way to deal with my other half acting like a total prat'.

I would like to see Dawkins/Hitchens review the series... and PLEASE BBC can we have a series 2.

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