Wednesday 25 August 2010

What do you cook for colleagues coming for a working lunch? Urk!

It seemed like such a good idea at the time. We all had to meet in West London and that's where I live. So, I suggested that we meet at my place where we have a big kitchen table around which to have our creative discussions. And we'll meet at lunchtime so I will rustle up something to eat. Brilliant. Simple. PANIC!

Firstly, I am not known for my tidiness. I am blind to kibble (as defined by Philip Dick in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep). Since MB has been up a European mountain my Floordrobe has been growing faster than dividing bacteria in a warm, damp, protein flooded petri dish. I hadn't actually realised how much he has been clearing up after me. So, firstly a most unusual bout of cleaning and tidying to bring my abode to the standards of Normal People Who Actually Keep A Tidy House.

Secondly, what to cook for lunch? Something that doesn't interfere with a meeting but doesn't involve sinking to frozen, pre prepared or ordering in? Something that screams 'highly professional and intelligent person who didn't even need to think about how to address the nutritional needs of those at the meeting? So I went super easy:

sweet potatoes
spring onions
blue cheese

1. put a little olive oil and marsala in a pan, add chopped mushrooms and chopped spring onions. cook. add blue cheese.
2. serve over roast sweet potatoes with salad.

Top tip for cooking mushrooms: they need water, not oil. A little olive oil helps the flavour but mushrooms will suck up as much oil as you give them, but if you just flick a little water or wine on frying mushrooms then they will break through to a nice cooking thing. I am having some difficulty explaining this concept but try it and you will see.


  1. Good science factoid on the mushrooms. Is lemon juice on grilled mushrooms commonly known? Discovered it the other day. Yummy.
    Ps did you delete my Oxford Comma comment? It was the very definition of oblique I grant you.

  2. Alec!
    after many years of trying for an Oxford Comma I am traumatised at missing your comment. There seems to have been a glitch in the blogspot machine. Could you bear to ressurect the oblique post and re-post it?

    On lemon juice - don't want to burst your bubble but there are very few things that lemon juice does not transform to a lovely cheek puckering gorgeousness. however you are right that Mushrooms are a lead candidate for Best Lemony Ingredient. Please more comments, love them!

    ps is it a cliche if one were to be a 'where is my mind' fan?
    pps our definition of a factoid at work is a fact that has been passed through the scientific grapevine and become myth without being fact. But my mates think it is an Interesting Fact worthy of pub discussion. opinions sought on this important matter,



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