Saturday 14 August 2010

Vogon cheesecake

Dr Evil has been sent to distract you from your new healthy eating regime. He is here to wave a little package of evil supersugarstimulus in front of you. Resis
tance is useless, as Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz would say.

I made this HobOreoNobFudgeApricot cheesecake to feed 7 friends on Wednesday night. There was a slab left over which everyone refused to take home. I am hoping that is because of Temptation, not Disgust.

the topping:
500g cream cheese
500ml double cream
a dollop of marscapone
2 tablespoons sugar
a half measure of gelatine, made up in warm water
grated lemon zest from 2 lemons
some chopped up bits of fudge

the base:
a pack of oreo cookies
half a pack of hob nobs
50g butter

on top
Apricots, sliced in half and grilled with a dab of sugar/butter mixture on top so they caramelise (or not, in my case).

to prepare:
1. whip the cream. mix with the cream cheese, marscapone, sugar, lemon zest. It should be a bit sloppy. Prepare the gelatine according to the instructions on the packet and mix. Chp up the fudge pieces and scatter and stir in.
2. prepare a springform tin by putting cling film over the base, with enough left at the sides so you can slide the cheesecake off when needed.
3. put the oreos and hobnobs (to non UK residents these are oat based biscuits available at any retailer. ginger biscuits also good for this) in a bag and hammer with a bottle or rolling pin until broken into small pieces. Or, put in a blender.
4. Melt the butter and pour over the biscuit crumbs, mix and then press into the base of the tin over the cling film
5. pour in the cheese mixture and chill. Add Apricots before serving.
6. eat, one small slice at a time
. If you eat too much of this I promise that you will feel really ill.

Cheesecake is the ultimate modular recipe, the fruit on top could be anything - rhubarb, gooseberry, peaches, blackberries, anything. My preference is to have something tart rather than supersweet to contrast with the richness of the cream and the base. You can also put anything in the cheesecake mixture itself. If cooking for children why not be ridiculous and put in Heroes or a layer of jelly.

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